Channel: Christopher Walker
Category: Education
Tags: serotonin releaseumzulow serotonin levels symptomshappy hormonethink again episodelow carb serotoninserotonin vs dopaminelow serotonin and insomnialow levels of serotonin - katharsischristopher walkerexcess serotoninserotonin syndromelow serotonin behaviorlow serotonin and dopamineserotonin and dopaminelow serotonin levelsserotonin ray peatlow serotonin braincauses of low serotoninlow serotonin side effectslow serotonin symptoms
Description: Learn more about UMZU's mission to make the world healthy again here - Modern marketing for antidepressant drugs has been so effective at co-opting not just the medical community, but also the alternative health circles (calling it the “happy hormone” even though it’s not a hormone at all), regulating bodies, and the popular media, that most people now believe that they’re serotonin deficient. This could not be further from the truth, in fact most evidence points to population-wide excess of serotonin, and this serotonin overload is responsible for myriad devastating physical and psychological dysfunctions. The easy shorthand narrative about serotonin deficiency causing depression is not just lazy, it is fraudulent: completely inaccurate. Excess serotonin leads to overproduction of stress hormones such as estrogen, cortisol, and prolactin and conditions the human body & mind to “learned helplessness,” a phenomenon that has been demonstrated in animal research to trigger disturbingly acute behaviors. You don’t need more serotonin, you need less!